Hard life?
Yesterday, I OTed (overtimed) again. Am feeling a bit achy even if it is just Wednesday today. I do not know if it is due to being older but where previously I would kind of go on a "complainathon" (complain marathon) about the suppression of the working class blah blah, I just get on with it now. Each time I think I have a hard life, I think of these people:
- The 口福 (Koufu) foodcourt cleaner aunties that are there even before I wake up for breakfast. Some are still there when I return from work for dinner.
- The Teochew porridge old lady in Maxwell market who must be at least 70 years old, working with her son. She works through the lunch crowd and get this, she was there during dinner too.
- The cashier boy at Giant supermarket is a lad that is there at 7am when the stall opens, and when I return from Zbrush class (over now) at around 11pm, I see him heading home only then.
So I had best just shut up and enjoy myself eh?