Awake (3:47 local time)

Don't think I should go too long on this post. It is late but I can't sleep. 

I had a stink day yesterday. Architects being rude/hanging up on me. Clients begging/demanding to meet up. Everyone wants everything yesterday but not putting in the effort to get there. Artists too busy and the like. I really felt underpaid yesterday - like I could just walk away from it all. And then I think of mum and the retirement fund she put away for me and I can't do it - not until this investment pays off.

Damn this fucking life - while people are living it large and going to places like this (see pic), I wonder if I have gotten stuck in some shit life.

Y'know, this is probably a hard patch that will get better. A storm that will pass. Just tahan a bit ya? I only wished I could be happier doing this shit. 4:02AM - End.


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