Made my bed this morning
Made my bed this morning. According to some Navy Seal Admiral, it gives you the right frame of mind for the rest of the day. Accomplish something small, so that the many little things that need doing get done. In event of a terrible day... Well, at least you have a nice bed to return to at night. That's really a good thing to live by.
The point is that we have all wasted time in life. And I have been wasting so much of it. I don't beat myself up for trying a new thing and failing at it - In fact, I'm glad to have had the courage to have tried. What I did find was a waste of time was all those times of stress and unhappiness, that prevented me from living a full life. I just did not learn to deal with those things soon enough in my life, but hey, we learn new things everyday.
Here is a meditation technique from one of the books I borrowed:
10-20 mins - Sitting or lying down.
Progress through the following stages:
- Focusing on your breathing
- Focusing on saying 'one' silently to yourself on each breath out
- Counting down from 10 to 1 on each successive breath out
- Focusing on saying 'one' to yourself
- Counting up from 1 to 7 on each breath in
- Opening your eyes.
Yup, Monday, I'm ready for you.