Love songs and unemployment

I'm listening to Jay Chou's 菊花台 as I'm typing this blog. My mind is doing everything to avoid looking for a job. I think dating, job hunting and scheduling are the three things that I am absolutely terrible at. I do not really feel stressed about being out of a job at present. I do feel that I'm enjoying this break to re-examine my life. What is a few months compared to the course of a life time? Now I have switched to 爱得正好 by William So and Kit Chan. This is a song I have always knew about but just didn't know who sang it until I googled it today. Beautiful song that reminds me of someone. Haiz. Life is the bitter-sweet cup everyone must drink...

Fat 舅舅 needs to amputate his fifth toe today. I pray for him and hope that all is well.


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