Growing as an artist

Project Ebon-knee has grown! Boy, it has taken a long time. I find myself working slower now than I was 5 years back (or even 10 years back) but the quality of my work is improving. Proof is in this sculpt done many years back (below):

It is still not perfect and I know I can push my quality even more. At least I enjoy doing this. I wonder if any 3D printer will hire me. Hmm, there's a thought.

I'm not sure if I posted this before but the four stages of growth are:
1. You think you know everything.
2. You think you know nothing.
3. You know you know something, but there is more.
4. You know everything there is to know about this thing that is possibly "knowable" and yet you know that there is something out there.

I think I am between stage 2 and 3. At least not at stage 1...


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