Ran today

I woke up and ran this morning.

It would have been easier to stay in bed.

It would have been easier to rest the sore right leg (basketball strain).

It would have been easier to quit before I started.

But I'm happy I went. No wonder Will Smith once said that to be successful, you just need to do 2 things - READ and RUN.

It does make a lot of sense now. Reading gives you the knowledge and insights you need to succeed. Running gives you the discipline and endurance to get there. Living till 34 has taught me a few things. I has taught me that life has cycles and phases. There are average years, good years and bad years. I remember them and this is what I would do if I could talk to myself at that age...

Early childhood - You were great. I would not have changed a thing.

Primary school - Let yourself get fat. Should have thought a little more about money.

Secondary school - Well done. You did well in school and you worked off all that weight. You did not have the maturity to handle your emotions. Yet, I do not know how I would have fixed that.

JC - You had a great time. Good-looking and popular, you could have done more, gotten more, if only you knew what to let go of and what to keep. Should have started working in the real world.

Army - Did okay. Somehow managed to squeeze into OCS. Should have perhaps enjoyed more of the moment and made it less burdensome.

NUS - What a failure. The only thing I did there worth anything was to make some good friends and that I went to Milan. The degree is a piece of trash.

Southern Star - You were a real Champ there. I even surprised myself with the type of resolve and determination I had. Could have been much wiser to the financial realities of the world though.

New Zealand - Wilderness years. There I lost almost EVERYTHING. My health, my idealism, my girlfriend, my wealth and my positivity. Well, on the plus side, you learnt humility (and that you weren't god damned invincible).

Digital Mirage - Really worked hard and got little out of it. It did help me to identify my strengths and weaknesses though. It also taught me that I should never think that I can change a badly managed organization - More likely, it changes you.

Now? I think I do need to get onto the work train again. I can't plan more than a day now because it exhausts me so. But everything that is due to me, I will get. Everything that I have lost, I will recover.

And what do you know? After a few farts of random blog posts, I finally have a coherent post today.


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