Being better
Time check - It is mid-day now and I've done fuck all. I did not have a schedule moving into this week and my energies seem very unfocused. I have made leaps of progress on Project Ebon-knee. It is one of the by-products of having plenty of time being unemployed. I spent a hell lot of time on Marvel puzzle quest but it does help me relax and give me the bursts of energy I need to do my work. I suppose that there is some logical way to live your day, which is to do a mini version of the life you would like to have. For me, obviously the financial part is hurting me (being without a job for now). But I look back on where I was and where I am now and I think I have done okay. I'm not there yet obviously but I ain't no scrub either. It is like the NBA: Most of the players can play. Almost all of them are more gifted, stronger, and faster than the average basketball player. They are all good and have skills. However, it is the best ones that can consistently endure tough games, be consistent, be productive, be positive throughout tough stretches that make them truly elite. Love the competition. And become better.