It is one of those awkward Tuesdays where Dad is home and I am too. I have so far followed my schedule (except for basketball due to wet weather) which was to trawl for jobs. So far, I have perhaps identified 3 possible targets, with another one that could possibly fit me. Project Ebon-knee is going well. I think it can be done in 2 weeks or so. I just need to resist the urge to tweak too much. Of course I do want to be kick-ass, and try to push the limits of what I can do with each project, but I won't ever get ahead if I just endlessly tweak it (which I have a tendency to do). It is difficult for INTP types to balance practicality and dreams because all things seem possible to them. Well, decisions get forced onto you if you don't make them quickly. And it is time to work out what I want in life (and how to get it).