Do my thing

Woke up feeling emo again. The pressures of joblessness creep up on me again but I have to keep my wits about me and not cave into the pressures that assail me daily. I am at least doing what I would like to do (Project Ebon-knee) and making progress on it. This article, gave me some insight on this. I realize that I'm not saying "f**k you" to the world. I'm saying "no, I'll do it my way". I won't be pressured into accepting "job security". This is a myth. You are going to die eventually and the money is not going to benefit you. Sad to say, it won't even leave a legacy - I have not heard someone say "I loved Grandpa - he made millions in the stock market". I just got to keep calm and "do my thing" - If only I knew what it was...


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