WWW - What went well, what went wrong?

Another day has passed. Really, it isn't so unpleasant to have time to yourself but the financial realities are coming down hard. I am still not sleeping well but here it is, my daily WWW (What went well, what went wrong?)

1. What went well?
  • I finished another one of my Lego Singapore project. I got the merlion done and was quite happy with the result.
  • I found mindspace, an app that teaches me to meditate. It is great to learn a new skill that improves your mental focus. It really is a skill that carries over the rest of your life.
  • I picked up the courage to ask Fabs to help me with my career. I do not know why it was so difficult for me to do so but I finally did.
2. What went wrong?
  • I didn't feel tired enough to sleep. Damn sleepy now.
  • I did not apply for a job yesterday. I know all those ads are long shots but without pulling the trigger, not even long shots can happen.
  • I felt really "poor" and I am sick of this.
3. How could you do TODAY to make it better?
  • Continue planning (1 day.1 week. Then one month) 
  • Work harder at getting a job. Do that little extra to give yourself a chance. ONE reply application every other day. ONE reach out application next day. NO EXCUSES. Find the one you like best on that day, then go for it.
  • Spend less time at home. Go out more. Home is getting lazy and depressing. Going out, even for a while. Breaking the day up will make it more focused. Having something to do, getting new ideas, this is important. Also does not make you feel so isolated.
4. Gratitude.
  • I am grateful that I managed to do a little of what I loved yesterday. 
  • I am grateful that I am getting a bit of encouragement from my work. It gives me the motivation to press on.
  • I am thankful to have this time alone to reflect.


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