"Today I am better than I was yesterday".

You learn a little something each day.

When I bought my first issue of Imagine FX some time ago, I remember that there was this talented artist who quoted "Today I am better than I was yesterday".

This is an immensely powerful attitude and mindset to have because it takes the pressure of expectation away from actually living a good life. It means that every small thing you add will improve your life eventually and when the golden opportunity arises, allow you to grasp it.

1. What went well?
  • I kept working on my 3D. Although it did not go well, I kept trying. And although I am easily discouraged these days, I actually want to press on and I think I will succeed eventually.
  • I did a bit of exercise. I am trying to catch up on the 30 day program and am close with the push ups section.
  • It was a cool day. And Marvel Puzzle Quest has a cool new Ultron game. If only I had Quicksilver.
2. What went wrong?
  • My mom is not handling retirement well. As such, she is going batshit nuts on everyone. It is affecting EVERYONE. C'mon, I used to be really socially intelligent so let's think of some things to do that will be fun.
  • I am constantly disturbed at home and I cannot find a quiet place to focus.
  • I did not go out AT ALL. Poor choice.
3. How could you do TODAY to make it better?
  • Practice greater awareness. Know what you are doing and watch the signs. If you are getting baited into a shitty argument, just leave and disengage. I will buy something for mum to eat so that she feels appreciated.
  • Find that quiet place. Take the effort to go there and refocus. 
  • Persist with 3D Teamy. Take the pressure off yourself.
4. Gratitude.
  • I am happy to know that I am indeed fortunate to live in the family I have. Yes, they drive me nuts every now and then but at the heart of it, there is love.
  • I am glad that Avengers is out. Great father + son movie time ahead!
  • I am glad that I have planned AE course starting tomorrow. Gives me a good break from that job searching hell.


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