WWW - Monday again

Monday. Washed the toilets and I am now blogging my thoughts. Frankly, I have been very irritated by my mother's incessant "When are you getting a job?" rants. I know I should be working, but it is not really my fault if the job doesn't come sooner. It could be a bad market, or something beyond my control that causes this state to persist. Ah, what's the point? I've know my mother for decades and she will continue to be the same piece of work regardless. But the point is that it was difficult to keep calm and objective with her around. I finished my SAF recruit for Project Singapore. I have 9 more to do. I do like projects of this nature as I can easy finish one character a week.
Well, here's the WWW:

1. What went well?
  • I finished my NS recruit. Now done 7 of 16. 9 left to finish the series.
  • I completed my Illustrator course. Now I know how to use it, which is so cool.
  • Downloaded "Rescue time" to have a better feel of the time that I waste.
2. What went wrong?
  • I was extremely annoyed with my mother. Bossing people around, nagging, being negative etc. I didn't handle it well.
  • I am losing my objectivity in my job search.
  • I slept too late at night and just didn't sleep well. Very irritable in the morning.
  • Neglecting my fitness. 
  • I am losing my faith. Or was it even there? I am becoming a person with no "center". I have nothing much to strive for and nothing much to fight for.
3. How could you do TODAY to make it better?
  • Try more. Don't dismiss a job opportunity because you rejected yourself at the start (Ok. With a bit of realistic expectations ya?). Throw it over and let them decide. Also, do this more quickly and effectively.
  • Continue to have some "alone time" outside. Do this often and make use of tech. The only thing that a bitch can't chew is the thing that isn't there.
  • Start the 30 day program again. Run on all the "Rest" days.
  • Do more of the things you love and appreciate the opportunity to do them. Perhaps through these, you can discover some beauty in life, and maybe some people with similar likes and values.
4. Gratitude.
  • I am thankful for my Fat Uncle's inheritance money. I did nothing to deserve it but this is a time that I really could use it.
  • I am glad that there are great comics to borrow from the library. It is a cheap way to get entertained.
  • I am glad that I have some "alone" time today. I really needed to recharge.


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