Close to the answer
I'm close to the answer. I know it. And it could not have happened if I did not go through what I went through.
And this is how I will reach the answer:
- Reject everything that you do not want - This is not about disliking the hard work and discipline needed to get there. There must be some compromise but these compromises must not betray the fundamentals of what you are trying to do. I have REFUSED at every turn to accept caustic colleagues, idiot clients and generally dishonorable people. You know what? Eventually all these bozos will leave your life (or you would have left them). It is the 101 of logic: If you reject everything that you do not want, eventually all you would be left with is what you want (or don't mind).
- Have patience and use your common sense - Recently, I have been judging myself very harshly and negatively. I am the last in class. I do not have any meaningful relationships in my life, nor am I financially independent. But I have gained some serious knowledge and skills over the years. I am able to express any idea, through 2D or 3D, still images or animation. I understand the principles of a business and I know how to manage teams. Wow! That is great. I still haven't succeeded yet and maybe there are a few pro-active steps I can take to get there faster. But I cannot say I am "on-the-wrong-track" because dammit, I wouldn't do much differently if I were to jump back in time. I just need to be patient and use my common sense.
- There are many ways to succeed - The life you want is out there. You can get there in many ways and you might also get lost along the way. The core of me is to be a creator. I want to be able to express my ideas through a variety of media. Just recently, I added two new skills (Illustrator and After Effects) and reached a project milestone (Project Ebon-knee). Who cares if you are poor now? Every business needs someone to express their ideas for their product. If you master this, then you will be insanely valuable.