The Last Quarter of 2016

So in a flash it is now nearing the end of 2016.

I've done a lot so far but it is now time to evaluate my goals.

Things I have achieved:
1. Various Lego targets - yup, got most of them. Only left the angry birds for this year...
2. Interior modeling course - done for this year. Learned a few new tricks.
3. Angkor Wat - Done it with my best friend, XX. Awesome.
4. 5 digits in both SG and NZ accounts - Just a small rebuilding of my finances but its a start.

Things I would like to do (that I have the last quarter to achieve):
1. My first 3D print project: The great Glottis
2. IPPT Silver
3. Learn all the countries of the world map (unlikely but ongoing)

Well, those are all for now. I do have others but they need to wait till next year.


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