Black White again

Today is recovery day. The eczema has acted up again and is affecting me. It has been affecting me an entire week, so I am a bit off. Maybe before planning this week, here is what I recall for last week:

  1. I did a 3d print and learnt about supports.
  2. I attended a free design/prototyping workshop and it gave me some good ideas for how to monetize my talent.
  3. I leaned on a friend to support me in my job searh journey. I learned some new things and had new perspectives.
  4. I started reading again. Not online stuff. But actual books. Online stuff is great, but it really doesn't stick. I think the reason why books are still around is that they force you to slow down, force you to take in, give you time to "absorb" their wisdom. A good book is worth its weight in gold. I think I found one this week (S.U.M.O.). 
  5. Last week was pretty good in terms of social. I had a good amount of activity to keep balanced.
  6. I gave myself time to crystallize some thoughts and think about stuff. It makes me calmer and more composed.
  1. I think I let the negativity of my parents affect me. And I end up giving myself useless pressure.
  2. I don't have much of a financial plan. What do you need? How long can you be like this? What are the red flags? It causes a lot of stress and worry.
  3. While I really was dealing with eczema, I think I could have done a bit more in terms of creative work. There are so many things I would like to finish. Gotta reach a little.
  4. I let my job situation define who I am. Secretly, I loathe myself for where I am, while the truth is that I still have a lot to offer and contribute.
Yeah, I guess that is perhaps my summary for the week. Let's make this week a great one!


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