You've made this day a special day, by just your being you.

"You've made this day a special day, by just your being you. There's no person in the whole world like you; and I like you just the way you are." - Mister Rogers

Undoubtedly, this is a beautiful quote. A quote from one of my heroes. I feel a warmth in my heart just reading the words. Mister Rogers did indeed have a gift. Quite frankly I was all over the place today. I was depressed about how fruitless my job search is going. Nobody reads my blog any more. I suppose I am the only person that does. I start to doubt myself. I start to wonder if I should do more. Or if I should just let things naturally take place. I really want to contribute, but why is it so hard to? I feel each time that I failed more acutely, and each time I succeeded just seems kind of hollow. Deep down though, I suppose I do know, that eventually things will become right again. I just have to love whatever I am doing and find a way forward. I want to prove that I earned my happiness by fighting for it. I earned it by slowly crawling through all the pain and rejection. I want to be there one day successful by my own terms and never wear this shame again. I'd like to think that in this whole wide world there is a place for me and I want to stand there - by just being me. 


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