Izza and Fala
Man it is a packed month this July! I am back in my blog just to rest a bit and re-focus. I had a relatively productive weekend - I ran, I did some 3D work, and I played a new game called Mutant Year Zero. The game is awesome - something like a mix between X-com and Shadow Tactics Blades of the Shogun. In the post-apocalyptic world inside the game, there was a legend of star-crossed lovers named "Izza and Fala". Turns out this legend is entirely based on a signboard that says "PIzza and Falafel" with the missing letters destroyed by the fallout/or time. It got me thinking though... What legacy will I leave behind? What stories will remain centuries after I die? Makes you wonder eh?
I guess I am happy to restart my project. I spent a few hours just working on a jerry can prop. It ain't even finished but I'm happy that I'm doing this sort of work again. I have ignored it for long enough. I still dream of getting my own toy out to market. That day won't happen unless I keep moving towards it.