Your Life as a Book

It has been a long time since I put my thoughts in here. I do feel my life is okay but isn't really getting the energy it used to say, in my 20s when I really had dreams to do something. I just got off from listening to the Joe Rogan podcast with Kevin Hart and it was inspiring stuff. Pretty much, your life is a book. Some chapters are already written. I mean, there is easily 7 or 8 years of experience in this blog! My struggles, my failures, my moments to shine - All here. I must admit I lost some of that. But it takes a bit of mind-switching to get back into the right frame of mind. I haven't sat quietly by myself and pondered about what I would like to do, and how I would be able to do it. This is an unprecedented period in time, where a virus pandemic has kept us at home for the most part. It has never happened in the almost 40 years of my life. Perhaps this is a great time to sit alone and reflect a little about what you want to do, how you want to finish this book. There should be more in there which you are proud of. 
  1. Things that you have tried but didn't work out. At least you tried.
  2. Thing you thought meant little but accumulated to become something eventually.
  3. Unseen acts of kindness that helped people along the way.
  4. Facing a challenge with courage and dignity. Didn't matter that you lost - How you fought earned the respect of others.
  5. People that you took for granted that you should appreciate more.
  6. The great friendships that we encountered along our journey.
Man, life can still be so much if you make the right choices.


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