A good weekend

Been tagging all my past blog posts just to keep my blog tidier. I found lots of things inside there that I thought had been lost to time. It is Monday again and it seems that I tend to like to blog on Mondays. So much in fact that I had a tag just for Mondays. While I thought that I had been quite faithful in updating my blog, the truth is there are significant gaps inside. I should really add the important memories to this blog maybe just because I'm somewhat of a completionist. 

I had a good weekend. I finally cleared my desk at MP, which was the last thing on my leave to-do list. Now, my two Amazing Yamaguchi X-men are reunited on my desk. I met up with Cali for lunch and that always makes me happy. I also managed to order my Lego CNY Tiger online even if it was out-of-stock at the shops. Yeah, so very much to be thankful for.


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