All will be well
Strange topic for a blog? You might have noticed from my last 2 posts that I have been wrestling with some thoughts and feelings and having some restless nights. I think I have been feeling vulnerable and perhaps conflicted and insecure as well. Yet in spite of all of this, no matter how things eventually turn out, all will be well. The first line of my creed is "Remember that the Lord loves you". This can be so easily forgotten in the midst of obstacles, doubt and uncertainty. Another part of my creed is "If you are behind, just take one step." I am old enough and have had enough experience with this to know that "one step" can lead to great rewards down the line. So if I have anything to say to myself, it is to muster up enough courage and energy just to take the first step. Don't let your fears and insecurities stop you from showing your love for someone. After all, love is a gift that is freely given without condition. I ain't ever gonna be an expert in this thing but at least that part I know.