A relationship is like a drug
The National Day holiday is over. Singapore's 57th birthday since independence in 1965.
It was uneventful for me. The highlight was probably lunch with my family and then washing my car. I also had a bit of fun playing as the Adeptus Mechanicus in this strategy game called Gladius but that is about it.
I have been struggling with boredom and motivation at work in recent weeks. It is like I'm not making productive use of my time at work and everything seems frustratingly out of rhythm. Perhaps I really need a break (not just a COVID break) to look forward to and to recharge.
In my personal life, there are also relationships that I am not sure how to deal with. I have just decided on a course of action and stuck with it. I have witnessed 2 of my friends go through painful divorces and I'm wondering if it is even worth trying. Maybe accepting that being alone is better, even if it is often lonely. I often describe a relationship like a drug; when it is good, oh man, you feel like you are flying. However, when bad, it really messes you up bad and you wished you never touched it.
Well, enough of my moaning and odd grumbling. I need to get back to doing what I need to. I do already feel a little better now that the coffee has kicked in and the sun is up. Let's do what we can to not waste this day.