Getting back into it

I'm back in the refuge of my blog today. It is a Tuesday morning and I am not feeling it. The feeling is that there is a lot to do, but I do not know where to start. I spent a good half day putting an incident report together yesterday (writing + fact finding) and today, about an hour into the work day, I have not done much at all. There are also things that I should be starting but I am frankly resisting them without good reasons.

So what advice will I give myself today? Maybe these:

  1. Take a moment - Take a breather. Clear your mind. Let go of all the things that are bothering you so that you can focus on what needs to be done. 
  2. Lay it out - When things have gotten a bit too much and are getting messy, spend some time to lay it out. Laying out everything allows you to see the bigger picture. Often, things aren't as bad and as unmanageable as they seem. By looking at things objectively, thinking clearly, and prioritizing key work, you can get things done.
  3. Ask for help - I still need to learn more of this. But really, sometimes, all you need is to ask for your team to help and you will get it. Of course you should also be trying.
  4. Communicate - Do this early and often. Man I missed the boat on this too many times. This is something CRITICAL. Bosses want to know what you are doing - Early and Often.
  5. Be realistic - Things are not likely to change dramatically overnight. However, there is also a lot that can be done with whatever resources you have been given.
  6. Reward yourself - Create some incentives for yourself to keep going. These don't need to be big ones that break the bank - They can be as simple as getting a cup of orange juice for a well-earned break, or just some small token.
  7. Not everything is work - Work is important. But it is definitely worth it to put aside time to care for yourself. Do some exercise. Talk to a friend. Enjoy Mass. Do something with your family. Do something creative.
  8. Reflect - I'm no longer young now. And that isn't always a bad thing. They say experience is the best teacher, a man, I have had lots to learn from. Looking back to learn will help you stop making the same mistakes over and over again.



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