Got no juice

Have been thinking a lot over the weekend. Between the distraction of playing Marvel Midnight Suns, my mind is pacing back to the topic of work. I no longer feel excited by my work any more. Even the fumes that I was miraculously running on last year aren't enough. I have been feeling it for some time now, but my work situation has a huge problem - What they want is not something I can provide, nor is it something I want to provide. It has been so draining. The bad planning, the endless firefighting, being stuck in empty promises, lack of clear direction, unrealistic resourcing... All of this adds up.

While I am building my escape raft, I am not even sure that it will float now. It isn't easy to leave a situation that you have spent years building up, but clearly, things have changed and I am not feeling excited about it now. And if it happens too many days in a row, perhaps a change is welcome.


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