Operation Henry...

Yawn. I am going through a pointless cycle of work - computer games to forget about work - sleep - and then work again. So far I know this isn't the life I want but am not what to do to get the life I want. I'm not even sure if a suitable job exists for a person like me. Not much $ in the bank now. Haven't been very disciplined when it came to saving $ but that happens when your outlook of life is gloomy. I need to un-fuck my life. Hence Operation Henry. Well, Henry is actually what I am going to name my dog (I want a Norwich Terrier) when I get one when I get back to Singapore. The idea is this: I want my life to be good again. Is it not good now? Could I not learn to be content with what I have now? Apparently no. Have been trying this "make-do" life for a while now and it ain't working too well for me. So I figured that what I need to do is to create a reason/s that makes life worth living. I've always wanted a dog, so now I'll get one. I hate my job so I have quit it (though it is the longest notice period I've ever served)


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