Lego Justice League, Depression and Containers
I should be quite happy to have collected the original Justice League in Lego minifigures after buying this set to get the Martian Manhunter... Only that I am not.
I feel really tired in the morning and I can't sleep at night. I have come to the point where I wonder if I will ever live a normal life again, or that the burdens and consequences of my decision will choke the life out of me. It is not right for a man to live like this. To have to justify his life to another person who might be equally (if not more) lost in life. Why do people just do these things without question? Are they really happy? Is there a point in wasting your life to be an insignificant cog in corporate or government machinery? Damn. I do not have the answers and it seems to be a revolving hell I am going through. Simply because I think and make my own choices. I remember reading this psychology dilemma that goes something like this:
"You live in a society that has spent its entire life inside a container. Everyone tells you that the container doors cannot be opened and should not be opened. It is believed by everyone (including yourself) that this is the unbending truth. And yet, one day you fall and accidentally push the container doors open. After the initial hesitation and fear, you venture out and find that the world isn't what the other container citizens tell you it is. It is much more than what you could ever expect from the container. Excited with this new discovery, you return to your fellow container citizens to tell them about this. They all think you are mad and attack you for your new ideas. Your initial enthusiasm breaks apart as you find that no one is accepting your way of thinking. You give up and want to be part of the container again. Except that now YOU CAN'T GO BACK. You can't go back because you know there is much more to life than what the container prescribes for you. You can't go back to your boring container job/life because there is so much more outside than the sterile container culture you have grown up with. You can't go back because there is a greater truth out there and pretending to be as you were just doesn't feel authentic any more..."
So what does one do in this circumstances? Exactly what I am trying to figure out now. I had not imagined it would be this difficult.